Wednesday, January 11, 2012




res·o·lu·tion  noun 

1. an expression of opinion or intention made, by an individual or an organization or other group.
2. a resolve or determination: to make a firm resolution to do something.
3. the act of resolving or determining upon an action or course of action, method, procedure, etc.
When we make these promises to ourselves, are we really expecting to succeed? 
I like to think that each year when I promise to quit smoking, that I atleast tried, and wanted to quit.  Even though I failed, atleast I tried.   Well this year I did something different.  After all it is 2012 and the end of the Mayan calendar. 
I decided that in 2012 I did not want to have any negativity in my home.  Everyone will NOT call anyone any  bad names, nor bring home any negative attitude , in the same note though, everyone has to do their share, no "egging 'em on".  No one can just sit on the computer, be gaming or sleeping while others are working.   This sounds easy, but some people are just plain lazy. 
Some days I just look up to the ceiling or sky and say. Whose child is this anyway? 
Did they not have the role models to follow?  Is this a test ?
So my family is trying to play nice with each other, though it is trying and it in no way is a white flag. The  2012 goal is to have a happy home with considerate and kind family members.
Well it is a start and our 2012 News years Resolution!
Wish us luck!

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